Social Insurance Number(SIN)

0SIN number


The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits.

A SIN is issued to one person only and it cannot legally be used by anyone else. You are responsible for protecting your SIN.

Service Canada is now issuing SINs in paper format (confirmation of SIN letter). Production of the plastic SIN card has stopped, however, SIN cards that are not expired and are currently in circulation can still be used.


If you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident or a temporary resident, you need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to work in Canada or to receive benefits and services from government programs. Children who are 12 years of age or older may apply for their own SIN. Parents and individuals who are legally authorized to act on behalf of the applicant (for example, a legal guardian or legal representative) can also apply for a SIN for children under the age of majority in their province, and adults in their care.

What you need before you apply

To apply for a Social Insurance Number (SIN), to request a confirmation of your SIN or to amend your SIN record, you must provide a valid primary document that proves your identity and legal status in Canada.

If the name indicated on your primary document is different than the name you are currently using, you must also provide supporting documents.

If you are applying for someone else, you may need to provide additional documents.

How to apply

To apply for your SIN, to obtain a confirmation of your SIN or to amend your SIN record, simply gather all the required original documents and take them to the nearest Service Canada office.

If everything is in order, you will get your SIN during your visit and you will not need to part with your documents.

Special measures are in place to accommodate individuals who cannot apply in person at a Service Canada office.

Applying by mail

Only individuals in these circumstances are permitted to apply by mail:

- Individuals living 100 km or more from the nearest Service Canada office, in an inaccessible area or where outreach is very infrequent may apply by mail. To determine if you are eligible to apply for a SIN by mail, please enter your residential postal code in the box below and click “Submit”.

- Individuals applying from outside Canada.

After you receive your Socia Insurance Number (SIN)

After a SIN is issued, Service Canada stores your personal information in the Social Insurance Registry. This information includes your name, date of birth, place of birth and your parents' names. Dates of death are also recorded in the Registry.

The importance of protecting your SIN

Your SIN is confidential and is not a piece of identification. It is important to protect your SIN from fraudulent use. Please consult the protecting your social insurance number publication for information on how to protect your SIN and what you should do if you suspect someone is using your SIN.


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